Fest Returns April 29-30!!!
Re: Fest Returns April 29-30!!!
Can’t wait! I should (hopefully) have the keg of my hoppy brown ready, also bringing my good friend Mike. Was just curious what time people were going to show up on Friday. Wanted to make sure I got there in time to help out with whatever needed to be done.
Re: Fest Returns April 29-30!!!
Im shooting for 1ish on Friday. check in is at 1pm. booth Site setup is normally around 5pm
What are the details of your brown? have a name? i could look through old signs to see if something fits.
What are the details of your brown? have a name? i could look through old signs to see if something fits.
(\/) (°,,,°) (\/)
Re: Fest Returns April 29-30!!!
Well, it’s kind of an interesting story. Folks at Transplants reached out to me letting me know that they were brewing their double Filbert and asked if I wanted their second runnings. I engineered a recipe that is fairly close to the hop schedule of the “Janet’s Brown” recipe from morebeer, just using the second runnings as the base. So it’s kind a a half-assed hoppy brown partigyle. I really don’t have a name for it yet, sorta refer to it in my head as my party-gyle.